Texidium requires third party cookies to be enabled in order for your textbook to function properly through eConcordia.
If you don't have them enabled you may get a message like this:
To resolve this issue
Safari Browser:
Go to your Safari Preferences then go to the Privacy section.
Make sure that "prevent cross site tracking" and "Block all cookies" are NOT checked.
Refresh your page then log back into eConcordia and try to reaccess your textbook.
Chrome Browser:
Go to the Chrome Settings
In the Privacy and security section, click Cookies and other site data
Click "Allow Third Party Cookies"
Refresh your page then log back into eConcordia and try to reaccess your textbook.
For more about this error, see the Texidium Help page:
If you require additional support for using Texidium, please contact the Texidium Support here: